Selecting A New Home Sewing Machine

How to successfully navigate the sewing machine maze…

Selecting a new home sewing machine is your first step into the exciting world of sewing. As a creative pursuit, nothing comes close to sewing. Owning a home sewing machine will enable you to translate your fabric dreams into reality. But first, have you taken a look at the dizzying array of machines available today? It’s a total maze out there!

Even a sneak peek into the world of sewing machines can throw you into a complete tizz. At one end of the spectrum are the very basic machines that are meant for occasional sewing and mending tasks and cost as little as $ 100. And then, at the other end are the technologically advanced quilting and embroidery machines that come with a variety of memory cards and as many as 225 built-in stitches including alphanumeric, which cost upwards of $1500.

So where do you start when selecting a new home sewing machine?

3 Steps to Navigating the Sewing Machine Maze

Here are 3 steps that will help you narrow down the list and find your way out of the sewing machine maze.

Step 1- Consider the Reasons Why You Want to Buy a Sewing Machine: Do you want a machine just for basic repair and alterations or do you have plans to use it for more than that? Are you looking for a machine that will just handle sewing or one that will handle only quilting or embroidery or do you want a full-function sewing machine that will handle all three? While deliberating the above factors, be practical and also take into consideration your lifestyle. No matter how passionate you may be about sewing, quilting and embroidery, will you really have a lot of time to do some sewing or will it be a rare occasion that you get a chance to sit at the sewing machine?

Step 2 – Do Your Comparison Shopping Online: Shopping around online allows you to compare various models from different brands and gives you a fair idea of what you can get for your budget. Have you tried shopping around at local shops? Sure it’s easier to choose because they stock limited models but then, that really does not let you have control over your final decision. Start your search at instead. A mecca for everything sewing machine, at you can compare features, pros and cons and prices across the whole range of models from various brands. Moreover, you can also read right there and then and see what other users are saying about that particular machine as opposed to just hearing the salesperson’s spiel at your local shop.

Step 3: Narrow down your choices:  Now that you’ve determined how much time you will spend on sewing and you have a fairly good idea of the different models available and their price range, you are ready to narrow down your list of preferred machines.  Compare your budget with the prices of the shortlisted machines and decide on any adjustments or compromises you may need to make. Should you settle on a slightly lower quality machine that offers more features or should you buy the sturdier model with fewer features.

Last but not least, when selecting a new home sewing machine, compare company warranties as well as the availability of spare parts and repair services. They may not seem important the outset but they will affect your sewing experience down the line.